alchemy to turn something into gold
ambassage message
anon soon
aspect astrological term for influence
attaint dishonor
augurs fortune tellers
bankrout bankrupt
bastard signs cosmetics
beshrew a mild curse
bett’ring improvement as time passes
bootless useless
broils battles
canker blooms dog-roses
canker destructive worm
car cart
carcanet jewelled collar
chary carefully
churl rude person
compeers by night spirit aids
concord harmony, agreement
contracted new newly betrothed
dead seeing lifeless appearance
Dian the goddess of chastity, Diana
distill(ed) reduced to the essence
dun tan or mud-colored
eisell vinegar
erst formerly
expiate bring to a close
extern exterior
fair beauty
foison abundant harvest
gild’st the even make the evening bright
glazed paned
haply by accident
haply perhaps
limbecks gourd-shaped vessels used in distilling
makeless mateless
meetness fitness to the occasion
misprision error
moity share
oblation offering
patent right
penury poverty
Philomel the nightingale
physic remedy
plenitude plenty
poesy poem
presage predict
presagers indicators
prove test
rack a mass of streaming clouds
rased erased
resty lazy
rondure sphere
ruth pity
scanted be short of
sheeds sheds
sluttish untidy
stelled portrayed
swart-complexioned dark-complected; swarthy
thralled oppressed
tillage cultivated land
tires attire
twain two separate beings
twire peek
uneared untilled
vade depart
vassalage servitude
vaunt boast
votary nymph of Diana, votaress